Tuesday, February 7, 2023

What is the Truth?

    Ever since the first war, there have been people who disagree with it. Some people are just morally opposed to violence or don't agree with the reasons why their leader has decided to engage in war in the first place. Whatever the reason may be, there have always been anti-war voices, and consequently, those with power have tried to silence those voices.  
    Even in this day and age, things haven't changed. As much as we don't want to believe it, the government is hiding information from us and silencing voices that it doesn't like. But the question is: why are they doing this? Why are they hiding the truth from American citizens? Why do they try to silence those who are actually telling people the truth?
    It all comes down to an agenda. Every government everywhere has an agenda. It usually depends on the party that has the most power or what the motives of the leader are. For example, in America, if the President is a Democrat, they are going to pass liberal laws and overall will try to do things to further the liberal agenda. The same thing would happen with any Republican leader. An agenda can also include other things besides what a party wants. It can especially be to benefit any group, whether that is wealthy businessmen or environmentalists. Anyone can have an agenda
    What the government is really doing is furthering its own agenda, while also trying to keep it secret from the average citizen. They don't want people to know what they are really doing, whether that is in our hometowns or across the seas. They don't want civilians to know their real actions and the intentions behind those actions. Because if we actually did know what was going on, most people wouldn't support our leaders anymore. They would fight back more. Sure, there are anti-war voices out there opposing what our government is doing, but there are not a lot of them. And the ones that do exist are often pushed into the background to put other representatives (those working for the agenda) up front in people's faces. The government is purposefully keeping everyday people naive so it can continue to do what it wants without our knowing about it. 

  How is the government achieving this? They control the media. By having control of the media, they can push whatever ideas they want and essentially control what opinions people have. Whatever picture they want to paint about their actions, they can paint it, or worse, they can completely cover their actions so everyday people never find out. Traditional media like newspapers, journals, blogs, and TV news have forever been controlled by those with an agenda on both a small and large scale. Of course, whoever runs that station or company has control and gets to push their agenda, but it is also bigger than that. Oftentimes, the managers of companies are also in on the bigger government agenda. So, people are being doubly scammed. 
    Social media is making it even easier. Social media is so widespread and so infested with technology that individual people can now be targeted instead of only groups of people. Even the most niche types of people with the most specific of interests can be found thanks to the Internet and social media. Social media is also linked to worse memory and recall. This means that people easily forget news stories they hear or read about. This allows the government to hide its actions even better. Because people easily forget things, they are less likely to remember a terrible thing the government has done. People will get distracted by the next trending story or simply forget what they have read a couple of days later. The less we remember, the more the government can get away with. 

    The government not only controls what is shown but also what is not shown. This happens through censorship. Even though a government cannot directly stop a person from saying something, a private company can. And like mentioned above, the government has its claws in private companies too. They have people working there that support their agenda and can and will censor people from expressing their views. This can happen on social media platforms like Twitter or in more traditional ways, like stopping a journalist from writing an article.
     So, if we want to find the real truth, we have to turn to independent sources for our media. We should also investigate multiple sources to get as many sides of the story as we can. This is the only way to see what is truly happening behind closed doors. And we should never fully trust what information the government is feeding us, because they are working for themselves, not for us.

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