Monday, January 30, 2023

Netflix's Takeover

    Netflix has taken over the entertainment world and completely changed the way the industry works. No longer do people turn to Hollywood for the newest hit show; instead, they turn to Netflix. The rise of Netflix has even pushed other companies (like Disney and HBO) to turn to streaming their content to keep their loyal customers and to capitalize on the billions of dollars Netflix makes every year. But it took Netflix a long time to gain its fortune and fame. 
    The idea for Netflix started in 1997, when Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph wondered if it was possible to rent DVDs by mail instead of going to a physical store (like Blockbuster). The problem the two had with the current video rental system was that it was inconvenient for customers. Customers had to pay a late fee whenever they returned their movies late, and for busy families renting a ton of movies, this was a big inconvenience. So, they test out their idea by first mailing a DVD to themselves. The DVD arrived in perfect condition, so they decided to roll with their idea and create Netflix. 
    In 1998, the pair launched, where customers could now order DVDs online and have them shipped directly to their homes. In the following year, the subscription service Netflix is known for debuts. Customers could now pay one flat monthly fee for unlimited access to rentals. The best part? There were no return due dates, no limits on how many movies you could rent, and no late fees. 

    In the following years, Netflix grows even more, adding a recommendation system, Profiles for users, and, most importantly, streaming (in 2007). With streaming, subscribers had the option to stream movies and TV shows from their own homes over the Internet instead of ordering a DVD. From there Netflix kept on growing, creating deals with other entertainment companies to allow its streaming services on other platforms and devices (like Xbox). Netflix even expanded to reach other countries, including Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean, by 2011 and to over 130 countries by 2016. Now Netflix has created many of its own hit shows and movies, streams in multiple languages, and can be downloaded onto nearly any device. 
    There have been both positive and negative impacts of Netflix's takeover, though. On the positive side, Netflix has made it easier than ever for people to find and watch whatever movie or TV show they want. Because of its algorithms, it can recommend new movies and shows to viewers based on things they have already watched. This recommendation service is pretty successful too, as 80% of watched content comes from the recommendations the algorithm provides. This means that the algorithm is very accurate and does a really good job of marketing new media to consumers. And by recommending Netflix's own content, the company makes even more money as viewers watch and enjoy its productions. And since people can download content from Netflix, they have the convenience of watching things whenever they want.  
    Another positive impact of Netflix is that it has a global reach and shares media across countries and cultures. Viewers are able to watch media that comes from other countries that they would have never seen before. And with the availability of subtitles in different languages, viewers can watch media that isn't originally in their own language. This has made the world more connected through the thing everyone loves the most: entertainment. This is a great way to learn more about a culture and what they find valuable by seeing what they make content about, because if they spend the time and money to make a movie about it, it surely must be important to them. 
    There are also some negative impacts of Netflix. One of the main drawbacks of Netflix is actually for other entertainment companies. Because Netflix grew so popular, other companies were actually losing money because consumers were turning to Netflix instead of the original company for watching content. Because people are also turning to streaming services, which can be used on any device, many cable companies are also losing customers. It is estimated that in 2021, 27% of people planned to get rid of their cable subscription (equal to more than 35.5 million households). Consumers are also now very picky about the content they are shown. People want things personalized to them and don't want to have to go through other nonsense to get that. This has led to the possibility that in the future, cable companies may unbundle their services so people only have to pay for the channels they want and nothing else. 

    Other negative impacts of Netflix are on the consumers themselves. More recent studies suggest that "binge-watching" can lead to poor health, and the addictive nature can not only affect students. but also adults in the work field. "Binge-watching" is when a viewer watches multiple episodes of a TV show back-to-back or multiple movies all in one sitting. Researchers' main concerns are that it can lead to decreased physical activity, sleep problems, behavioral problems, and other unhealthy habits.
     Binge-watching leads to decreased physical activity because viewers are sitting for long periods of time, which means they are not exercising or stretching their muscles. Not moving the body can weaken it over time, which can lead to more problems down the line. Sleep problems arise because viewers are more concerned with finishing the next episode than going to sleep early. Studies have also shown that binge-watching can lead to insomnia, which makes it even harder for people to fall asleep. Not getting enough sleep can lead to cognitive decline, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. Behavioral problems are mostly linked to social isolation and depression. Binge-watching can become an addiction for people, which leads to them wanting to spend more time alone watching TV instead of engaging with others. And for people who are already dealing with depressive feelings, binge-watching has been known to make those feelings even worse. Other unhealthy habits include things like snacking constantly while binge-watching (which can lead to weight gain), getting distracted easily, and the inability to know the difference between reality and fiction. 

    So while Netflix has overtaken the entertainment industry, it has also overtaken our lives, for better or worse. Now people can watch practically anything they want whenever they want, for a cheaper price than traditional cable. But Netflix could also be damaging our lives and leading to some pretty negative effects. As with every addiction, we have to be careful and always monitor ourselves. That is the only way to protect ourselves while still being able to enjoy the things we love. 

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